Becoming a drivers ed instructor is an easy process and training that can take as little as 3-4 weeks. It can open a new career that allows you flexibility and a chance to earn a professional income. Below I will detail the steps needed to get started on your journey and new career.
At All Ages Driving School we provide a thorough, comprehensive TDLR Approved program of study to your prospective classroom & driving instructors at our facility. It is our intent that every prospect will exit the program with the knowledge required to teach safe driving in all situations & conditions.
Our mission is to create knowledgeable, courteous instructors who will improve the driving skills of your students. We believe that driving is both a privilege and a responsibility. All Ages Driving School takes pride in its strict adherence to the state law & TDLRregulations.
TA (Teacher Assistant): Allows for behind the wheel instruction. Must complete Phase 1 and 2. Cost = $350 per phase/Free with employee contract.
TA-Full (Teacher Assistant Full): Allows for in-car instruction and classroom instruction. Must complete Phase 1, 2 and 3. Cost = All Three Phases $1,200/Free with employee contract
DET (Drivers Education Teacher): DET is for those who are currently certified to teach in Texas Public Schools. It allows for both in-car instruction and classroom instruction as well as being Teacher of Record that over sees curriculum for the drivers education program. Requires Phase 1, 2, and 3. Cost = $1,200/Free with employee contract
ST (Supervising Teacher): This training provides for those who want to train instructors in becoming licensed Driver Education Instructors. This is the highest level of training one can receive. Requires Phase 1, 2, 3 and ST development course. Cost = Contact school.
18 hours - Direct classroom instruction from a certified teacher
• 11 hours - Independent study on specified topics completed outside the classroom
• 16 hours - Live classroom observation to learn driver education curriculum first hand
14 hours - Direct classroom instruction from a licensed supervising teacher.
24 hours - in-car instruction and observation.
7 hours - Independent Study on specified topics outside the classroom.
Phase 3 - 45 hours Total
11 hours - Direct classroom instruction from a certified teacher
10 hours - Observation of classroom teaching techniques as given by TDLR licensed Driver Education Teacher (DET) or Supervising Teacher (ST)
18 hours- Student teaching in the classroom under the supervision of TDLR licensed Driver Education Teacher (DET) or Supervising Teacher (ST)
6 hours - Independent study on specified topics completed outside of the classroom.
Please call Asif Hassni or text at (281) 948-3800 for info on becoming a Driver Ed teacher
We provide instructor courses throughout the year, call anytime to sign up for the next course.
Fall 2022
Winter 2022
Spring 2022
Summer 2022
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