On this page you will find general information as it applies to All ages Driving School and the Coronavirus.
Dear Parents and Students, as many of you are aware Federal, State, County and School District officials have made decisions that impact our students and their ability to attend class as it relates to the Coronavirus. We have made adjustments to help better serve our students and their parents as government officals make recommendations and take action to help protect the community.
As of May 26th, 2020 Gov. Abbott has opened up all Driving schools with specific guidelines that will help keep students and staff safe. As of June 1st, 2020 all locations of All Ages Driving School throughout the Houston Metro Area will be open for Drivers Education, which include in-class instruction both teen and adults, drive times and driving test. I will provide a link to the guidelines so that you can look them over prior to signing up to see what is expected of our staff and our customers. Please click the link here to see those guidelines.
Below are some great information that will help you stay up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Driving School Phase 2 Opening Guidelines
Governor's Strike Force to Open
Center for Disease Control COVID-19
Harris County Public Health Coronavirus
Texas Health and Human Services Coronavirus
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Coronavirus
Texas Schools Closed for the remainder of the School Year
All Locations of All Ages Driving School will be disinfecting and deep cleaning to ensure that we keep our students and customers safe. Also visit our Classroom Forum for assignments and to ask questions.
Check out this great video